Our Rooted Journey

Veranova Home proudly carries on Turkey's rich textile tradition by making all of its fabrics in Bursa. The region's past silk production began in the 550s AD, and Bursa has been the center of the textile industry for more than 1500 years. The experienced artisans in Bursa use conventional techniques to craft each product. Veranova Home demonstrates its commitment to sustainability through the use of eco-certified materials and a dedicated effort to reduce its environmental footprint.
Fall in Love with Bedtime

Coddie in ultimate comfy sleep with our bedding. Our soft, breathable materials provide pure relaxation, ensuring a peaceful sleep. Wake up refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on the day with bright and vibrant energy. Our high-quality materials provide both comfort and durability, ensuring lasting enjoyment.
Our Values

Our brand identity is rooted in the Ginkgo Biloba tree, a unique species that has survived for over 270 million years and is considered a living fossil. We relate to its resilience and longevity, as our brand has been passed down from father to son in the textile industry. Our journey to become a new-generation brand that values sustainability and responsible products has begun. We combine our past

experience with a present-day sustainable vision for...